Obici Tour Resources
Helpful Information To Further Your Knowledge

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Childirth Classes
Learn About Labor and DeliveryChildbirth Classes at Obici
The Sentara Obici Hospital Women’s Center offers several educational programs for learning more about the labor and delivery process and the services at the hospital. There are classes for:
- First Time Pregnant Moms/Couples
- A Refresher Course for Moms/Couples who have had babies before
- Sibling Class
- Breast Feeding Class
For more information about Obici Hospital’s Childbirth Classes , click on the link or speak to the staff during your next appointment.
Childbirth Video
Labor And Delivery
What Happens To Your Body?
Sometimes the process of labor and birth are hard to visualize. What’s contracting? How does the baby make it’s way out? What is my cervix and what does it mean that it’s dilated? The words are confusing and the process is even more so. Here is a video that takes you inside pregnancy, labor and birth.
Labor occurs in stages. Understanding these stages can cut down on the worry and nervousness that can accompany labor. This is an article about the stages or labor.
Labor Contractions
Ways To Decrease The Pain Of LaborBreathing to Relieve Labor Pains
Positions To Relieve Labor Pains
Epidural For Labor Pains