Early pregnancy can be associated with many physical changes in the woman’s body. If you are like many of our pregnant patients, these symptoms can often make you worried. They are so different than what you normally experience that you can begin to wonder if something is wrong. Do you know the 12 most common symptoms of early pregnancy? Knowing them may make you feel more at ease that everything is going well.

1. A Missed Period

The most common symptom associated with pregnancy is a missed period. For the woman that has regular monthly periods, a missed one can be a sure sign that you are pregnant. For women who have periods that don’t come every month a missed period may mean something different. A home pregnancy test will tell you if your are pregnant. But some pregnant women may still have bleeding during the early stages of pregnancy.

2. Spotting

Spotting or very light bleeding is a common symptom of early pregnancy. It may come near the time of the expected period or in the next few weeks after. In most cases this is not dangerous to you or the baby. But it is better to be sure. If you have a positive pregnancy test and have bleeding, check with your healthcare provider to see if further care is needed.

3. Breast Changes

Tender swollen breasts are common during early pregnancy. The breasts are sensitive to the hormones produced by the pregnancy. There may also be changes in the shape or size of the breast. The areola or dark area surrounding the nipple may darken in response to these hormones as well.


Most pregnant women experience changes in energy level during the pregnancy. This can express itself as feeling tired all the time. It can also show up as changes in your sleeping patterns. This is often a symptoms which can last the whole pregnancy. There are ways to combat this symptom.

5. Nausea

One of the most common symptoms. Most women have some degree of nausea during the pregnancy. It is also commonly associated with vomiting There are several medications which your Prenatal care provider may use to help you.

6.Increased Urination

One symptom to learn to deal with. Your blood volume increases during pregnancy. Your kidney function increases during pregnancy. You’re going to urinate more. Expect it. But make sure you stay hydrated. You shouldn’t try to control the frequency by drinking less. That’s not safe for you or the baby.

7. Cravings

Ice Cream, Pickles, chocolate, mexican food. Pregnant women commonly have desires for food that they just can’t get enough of. If taken in moderation, most of these are harmless and can be enjoyed. However, some pregnant women have cravings for non-food items such as paint chips, soil, laundry starch. These of course can be dangerous to you and your developing child. If you have these cravings it is important to seek the care of your OB provider

8. Cramps

Many women feel light cramps during the initial stages of pregnancy. These are common and generally are not dangerous. However, strong crampy pains, pains isolated to one side or associated with bleeding are more concerning.

9. Mood Swings

It’s not uncommon to have fluctuations in your emotions during the pregnancy. This can range from crying for no reason to fits of anger or frustration. Sometimes feelings of worry or anxiety can come up too. These are all common and can usually be controlled by you. Occasionally outside help is needed. If these emotional changes are concerning to you, always speak to your OB Provider about them.

10. Dizziness

Usually the dizziness of pregnancy is occasional. You may feel it if you get up or move too quickly. You may also feel it if you go too long without food or drink. Sometimes if you are vomiting frequently, dizziness can occur. This is symptom which can be minimized by eating something every 2-3 hours and by staying hydrated.

11. Constipation

Constipation is a common symptom of pregnancy. It can often be prevented by keeping yourself hydrated. Most obstetrics providers recommend drinking at least 8 to 12 8 ounce glasses of fluid per day. Also a diet high in fiber can help prevent constipation. Prune juice can help with moving your bowels. Your provider may often prescribe a stool softener to prevent it.

12. Headache

Headaches are a common symptom. They can be caused by many things. These range from low blood sugar, to dehydration, to vomiting frequently. Many times the HA can be relieved by eating and drinking something. Sometimes a medication like tylenol can relieve the headache

Is My Pregnancy Symptom Normal?

Allow us to help you. If you are looking for an obstetrician in Suffolk, VA, our prenatal care program can help you decide if your individual symptoms are normal for you. During your first few OB visits, our physician,  Dr. Edward E. Wing will speak to you frequently about these symptoms. There are many tips and tricks to get you through this time that he will show you. You may not necessarily be able to prevent these symptoms, but you can work through them. Make an appointment today.


Dr. Edward E. Wing is the President and Principal Physician of Lifetime Women’s Health and Wellness Centers. He has a passion to share his medical expertise with his patients and the community through writing and lectures and presentations. This blog is one of the outlets of his medical education creativity.  The design of the OBGYN educational programs of the practice reflect his passion. He desires his patients and community to be well educated in health maintenance, disease prevention, and excellent pregnancy outcomes.  


This article is written for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as giving medical advice.  Seek the counseling and care of a medical professional if you are sick or before making any decisions regarding your health.

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